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Who Is 

That Guy?

About Mr. Kingrey

Family Life:

I was born in Pella, Iowa and grew up in Knoxville. I attended elementary, middle, junior high, and high school in Knoxville and have made it my home. I continue to live there and commute daily in order to stay close to my family. Family means a lot to me, and I enjoy spending time with everyone. My mom enjoys retired life and my dad is counting down the days until his retirement begins! I have one sister, one niece, and one nephew, Nolan - age 9 and Natalie - age 7. Nolan will be in 4th grade this year and Natalie will go to 2nd grade. They’re both excited about learning, and it’s a great job to be an uncle who is able to spoil them...and then send them home! I enjoy spending time with my grandma too; she’s 80-something (I really do know, but I won’t reveal) and is as lively as ever. I’m somewhat partial to her homemade goodies and rarely share them with others. I know sharing is a good skill to have, especially in kindergarten, but maybe that’s why I’m still there after all these years - I haven’t learned how to share!


Church Life:

My church is a part of who I am; it’s made me who I am today. I belong to Christ’s Church in Knoxville (a branch of the First Christian Church). I’ve been a member since I was born, so 30+ years. My family and extended family attends church each week, and it’s a great time seeing and worshipping with them. Over the years I’ve served as Superintendent of Sunday School, VBS Director, Christmas Program Director, and Choir Director. I’ve also taught many Sunday School classes since I was in high school. I’ve taught every age from nursery to high school. Quite the age span, yes, but the behaviors can be pretty similar! I feel as though many people helped “raise” me in the church, and it’s my duty to do the same for the next generations.


Professional Life:

I’ve taught for the Sigourney Community School District since 2005. All of those years have been spent in kindergarten, and it’s been wonderful to work with kids ages 5 and 6. I’ve served (and continue to serve) on a variety of committees throughout the elementary and district. Although I’ve cut back on some of my committee work, I fully support those who are taking their turns at leadership. It’s nice to see the inner workings of an organization, but it’s also nice to take a break from time to time and let others experience the fun. I belong to the following professional organizations in an effort to stay current with best practices in the areas of early childhood education, literacy education, and curriculum and instruction:

NAEYC - National Association for the Education of Young Children

Iowa AEYC - Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children

ILA - International Literacy Association

ASCD - Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development


Free Time Life:

Although my free time is limited, I do spend what time I do have working on behalf of young children across the state of Iowa by serving on the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children’s (Iowa AEYC’s) State Governing Board. I’ve served on the Board since 2009, and I’ve held a variety of positions including Chapter Representative for southeast Iowa, Week of the Young Child Chair, Iowa’s State Representative to the Midwest AEYC where I served as Vice President of 8 Midwest states, Secretary, and last September I began my role as President of the Association for two years. Regardless of my position on the Board, I’m happy to be able to serve and act on behalf of those in the early childhood field.


Professional Conferences Attended:


NAEYC’s Annual Conference & Expo

Chicago, 2007

Washington, D.C., 2009

Orlando, 2011

Atalanta, 2012

Washington, D.C., 2013

Los Angeles, 2016

Atlanta, 2017 (will attend in November)


NAEYC’s Professional Development Institute

Minneapolis, 2014

New Orleans, 2015

Baltimore, 2016

San Francisco, 2017


Iowa AEYC Fall & Spring Institutes

Des Moines/Altoona, 2004-2017 


*Throughout my time as a member of the Iowa AEYC and the NAEYC I have been privileged to present alongside the state's and nation's best and brightest in terms of early childhood education and care. I truly enjoy collaborating with researchers in the field as well as authors who advocate for best practices. 

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